Payment Method

Cash Deposit

  1. Filling slip in each Bank
  2. Complete the date and bank account number of the bank slip
  3. Make a deposit at the teller
  4. Retrieve the slip validation proof
  5. notify the relevant marketing that has made payment by attaching the slip evidence


  1. Put your ATM
  2. Select Transfer Menu If Same Bank / If Different Bank Select Other Bank Transfer select Bank Code
  3. Input No Trust Finance Account Indonesia
  4. Nominal Input to be paid
  5. Press Enter
  6. Enter your No Pin
  7. The screen will appear Trust Finance Indonesia and Nominal Payments
  8. If True Press Yes
  9. Successful Transactions

  • Preparing check / BG to be submitted to PT. Trust Finance Indonesia
  • Complete the check / BG & nbsp; from the date of publication, effective date, place, nominal, nominal mention, signature, stamp / seal of the company, and the name of the Company or any such person
  • Confirm to the marketing of PT Trust Finance Indonesia for filling in the account number and the name of the intended Bank
  • Provide physically completed check / BG to marketing or branch of PT Trust Finance Indonesia
  • Waiting for info report from check / BG is whether the status of successful or rejected from the PT. Trust Finance Indonesia

ATM Bersama

  1. Select Transfer Menu
  2. Select Transfer Menu to Other Bank
  3. In the view “Enter Bank Code and Account Number Goals” Enter “Your Pay ID number”
  4. Enter Transaction Nominal (Installment Value), Select True
  5. Select Yes / True to confirm payment


  1. Select Transfer Menu
  2. Select Transfer Menu to Other Bank
  3. Enter the ATMBPLUS code (987), then select True
  4. Enter Transaction Nominal (“Installment Value”)
  5. In the view “Enter the designated Account Number”, enter Last 17 Digits on “Your Pay ID number”(500787xxxxxxxxxxx)
  6. Select Yes / True to confirm payment